Founded in 1915, the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association (OHFAMA) is dedicated to serving and protecting the foot health of Ohioans and advancing the professional practice of podiatric medicine and surgery in the state. OHFAMA represents over 600 licensed podiatric physicians and surgeons throughout Ohio.
Learn More About OHFAMA
Our Mission
The primary purpose of the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association is to act as a single voice for podiatric physicians in Ohio to ensure the highest quality of medical and surgical foot and ankle care through advocacy, education and public awareness.
The Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association is a professional organization of podiatric physicians recognized within then state as the preeminent providers of medical and surgical care of the foot and ankle.
OHFAMA offers a wealth of informational resources and member benefits. Please visit the pages in this section to learn more about how OHFAMA membership can benefit you and your practice.
The OHFAMA Journal
The OHFAMA Journal is published quarterly and features vital information for Ohio podiatrists ranging from practice management tips to regulatory updates.
View Current Issue
OHFAMA fights to preserve, protect, and advance podiatry in Ohio. Visit the pages in this section to learn how OHFAMA and APMA are promoting foot and ankle medicine and surgery in Ohio and defending our profession against the ever-present forces challenge our scope of practice.
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Our legislative and regulatory success does not come by accident – it is powered by time, energy, and contributions to OPPAC. Your OPPAC donation helps us build, maintain, and strengthen relationships with key policymakers.
Support OPPAC
OHFAMA offers a number of educational and networking events each year. Our event calendar features a comprehensive listing of state and Academy events.
View All Events
Advertising Opportunities
OHFAMA offers several sponsorship and advertising opportunities throughout the year. Learn how you can showcase your products and services to over 600 podiatric physicians and surgeons in Ohio.
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Ohio podiatrists provide quality medical and surgical care and are proud to keep Ohioans independent, ambulatory, and walking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about how podiatric physicians and surgeons serve their communities.
What is Podiatry?
OHFAMA offers several sponsorship and advertising opportunities throughout the year. Learn how you can showcase your products and services to over 600 podiatric physicians and surgerons in Ohio.
View Advertising Opportunities
The OFAMF’s educational mission is to purposefully advance the art and science of podiatric medicine by providing the highest quality of didactic and clinical learning experiences to OHFAMA’s members, non-members, and their medical assistants, and shall include a variety of instructional sessions aimed at significantly enhancing patient care, treatment protocols and practice efficiency. The program may include interactive educational adult learning methods and principles utilizing lectures, panel discussions, point-counterpoint, excuse the interruption forums, case studies, question and answer, handouts, audio visual materials (including media or narrations), hands-on workshops and roundtable discussions with moderators to achieve a well-rounded venue of postgraduate instruction.
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