Power up your Podiatry Career with OHFAMA

Join the professional home for all Ohio DPMs.

  • Take your next step whether you’re starting your career or have an established practice. OHFAMA is here to support you every step of the way.
  • Stay at the forefront of podiatric medicine with Ohio’s largest and best educational podiatric programs.
  • Connect with other podiatrists locally, statewide, and nationally to find your community.
  • Invest in your career—members receive special benefits from our partners,  from healthcare to home mortgage rates.


Two Organizations, One Powerful Membership

With dual membership in OHFAMA and the APMA, you benefit from a partnership maximizing your membership at a state and national level. The APMA represents DPMs in critical conversations with legislators, regulators, policymakers, and healthcare decision-makers as the unified voice of the profession on the national stage.

Start Your Application

DPM Membership Application

Resident Membership Application

Did you know – you can write off up to 97% of your dues?
Your dues may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense subject to restrictions imposed as a result of the Association's lobbying activities.  OHFAMA estimates that the non-deductible portion of your 2025-2026 OHFAMA dues will be 3%.  The APMA estimates that the non-deductible portion of your 2025-2026 dues will be 5%.

Membership Benefits & Services

Join your colleagues and shape the future of Ohio podiatry.

Professional Development
  • Stay on the forefront of podiatric medicine with CMEs designed by key leaders in the podiatric community for Ohio podiatric physicians.
  • Experience cutting-edge learning experiences including hands-on workshops.
  • Engage with meaningful networking through events like the Annual Seminar, educational programs, and local Academies to power up your professional growth.
  • Stay informed with essential practice updates and alerts when you need them.
  • The OHFAMA Journal provides can't-miss updates on licensing, insurance codes, regulatory changes, and the Ohio podiatric community.
  • Access quality, affordable health insurance through our partnership with the Ohio State Medical Association's health benefits plan
  • Safeguard your finances with industry affiliate programs that leverage the collective buying power of Ohio podiatrists, incudling everything from home mortgage programs to credit card processing systems.


  • Find your community and collaborate with colleagues to advance the podiatric profession in Ohio.
  • Network next door: members are invited to learn and network with their neighbors through local academy meetings.


  • State Legislative Advocacy representing podiatrists to the Ohio legislature and administrative agencies
  • Benefit from insurance representation through appointed CAC and PIAC representatives who address Medicare and private insurance challenges

APMA-Specific Benefits


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