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OHFAMA Seeks Board of Trustee Candidates

The Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association is now accepting candidates for its Board of Trustees.

The association will hold an election for positions on its Board of Trustees during the Annual Business Meeting (ABM), which will take place Saturday, November 4 at the Embassy Suites - Columbus Airport.

The Board of Trustees manages the affairs of the association and holds approximately five meetings annually. Elections are slated for the following positions: 

  • President
  • 1st Vice President
  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary-Treasurer 
  • At-Large Trustee

Interested members should email to express their interest in running for one of the open positions.

Recent Changes to BOT Structure
OHFAMA members approved Proposition B-22 at the 2022 Annual Business Meeting, which modified the bylaws to provide each Academy with one trustee on the OHFAMA Board of Trustees and create two at-large trustee positions to be voted on by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting.

The changes provide Academies with equal representation on the Board of Trustees and enable the Association to recruit talented leaders from underrepresented constituencies to serve the organization as at-large trustees.

The responsibility of identifying and recruiting at-large trustees lies with the Leadership Development Committee, a new standing committee aimed at developing association leaders. Committee members are appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Trustees. 

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